Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
GMI Messages And Stories.
If it breaks from inside life begins.
Great things always been from inside.
Together we grow.
By: Khuram Sheikh, Collect By: Sayad Aamir Ali.
GMI Messages And Stories.
But years later, u have a collection of mistakes, called experience,
Which leads u 2 success?
By: Jahanzaib.
GMI Messages And Stories.
A horror machine means those people who makes u de motivate and blame u what you’re doing. These horror machines are huge wall between you and your achievements. So keep a distance between u and those machines.
By: Khuram Sheikh, Collect By: Usman.
GMI Messages And Stories.
Which I found in my room.
1. Roof said: Aim high.
2. Fan said: Be Cool.
3. Clock said: Every min is precious.
4. Mirror said: Reflect before u act.
5. Window said: See the world.
6. Calendar said: Be up to date.
7. Door said: Push hard to achieve your goals.
Together we grow.
By: Usman
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
GMI Messages And Stories.
Beat you own records everyday,
Because success is a fight between you & yourself.
By: Jahanzaib.
Monday, August 3, 2009
GMI Messages And Stories.
By: Waqas Bukhari
GMI Messages And Stories.
They plan beginning.
Because right results always follow the right beginning.
By: Rafay Muneer.
GMI Messages And Stories.
By: Jim Rohn World’s 2nd trillion ire network marketer.
Collect By: Farhan Ali & Mueed Abro.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
ViewSonic ViePC
Honda Insight 2010
Honda Insight
They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but it's clear Honda has no intention of making the Toyota Prius blush with anything but envy. Honda has priced the Insight at just $19,800, undercutting its archrival by around $1,200, depending on where you shop. With 40 mpg city/43 mpg highway, the Insight does fall short of an epic 50 mpg rating for the 2010 Prius. But money talks for many consumers.
Availability: On sale now
Price: $19,800
I checked with Norton Anti-Virus, and they are gearing up
for this virus!
I checked Snopes, and it is for real. Get this E-mail
message sent around to all your contacts ASAP.
You should be alert during the next few days. Do not open
any message with an attachment entitled 'POSTCARD FROM
HALLMARK,'regardless of who sent it to you. It is a
virus which opens A POSTCARD IMAGE, which 'burns'
the whole hard disc C drive of your computer.
This virus will be received from someone who has your
e-mail address on his/her contact list. That is the reason
why you need to send this
e-mail to all your contacts. It is better to receive this
message 25 times than to receive the virus and open it!
If you receive a mail called' POSTCARD,'
even if it is sent to you by a friend, do not open
it! Shut down your computer immediately. This is the worst
virus announced by CNN.
It has been classified by Microsoft as the most destructive
virus ever. This virus was discovered by McAfee yesterday,
and there is no repair yet for this kind of virus. This
virus simply destroys the Zero Sector of the Hard Disc,
where the vital information is kept.
Friday, July 17, 2009
GMI Announcements
Dear Valued Customers!
GMI is self-committed for providing you the best services. With all your valuable feedbacks and our constant reviews on the system improvement, we are fully attentive and aware of your problems and their solutions.
This is to inform you that GMI website and its customers are affected by cyber attacks currently being held worldwide. Please visit the URL below to have full information.
During this period customers may experience the performance slumps (website unavailable, accessing their accounts, slow response, difficulties in sign-up, long reports timeout, etc.).
We apologize for any temporary interruptions and assure you of improvement in accessing the GMI website at the end of the maintenance project.
U.S. government sites among those hit by cyber attack
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- U.S. government Web sites -- including those of the White House and the State Department -- have been under attack since the Fourth of July, along with financial and commercial sites like Yahoo Finance and the New York Stock Exchange, cyber security experts said Wednesday...........
Governments hit by cyber attack
A widespread computer attack has hit several US government agencies while some South Korean government websites also appear to be affected. The White House, Defense Department and New York Stock Exchange were all hit by the attack that started on July4………………...
U.S. eyes N. Korea for ‘massive’ cyber attacks
South Korean security company expects additional wave of attacks
SEOUL, South Korea - U.S. authorities on Wednesday eyed North Korea as the origin of the widespread cyber attack that overwhelmed government Web sites in the United States and South Korea, although they warned it would be difficult to definitively identify the attackers quickly…………….
Cyber attack probe tries to trace path of malware
Seoul: South Korean police are analyzing a sample of the tens of thousands of infected computers used to crash websites in South Korea and the US, but conceded yesterday they may not lead to the culprit……………..
Together We Grow!
Management (Goldmine International)
Announcement Date: 15-Jul-2009 To 25-Jul-2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
GMI Messages And Stories.
Alone I can smile, but together we can laugh.
Alone I can enjoy, but together we can celebrate.
That’s the beauty of Friendship.
Long live my friends.
Together we grow.
By: Jahanzaib.
Friday, July 10, 2009
GMI Messages And Stories.
By: Jahanzaib
Monday, July 6, 2009
Sunday, July 5, 2009
GMI Messages And Stories.
$=$ Together we grow. $=$
$=$ Come and show together we grow. $=$
$=$ Whether it’s hot or it’s snow, together we grow. $=$
$=$ No matter what people say, Avail it or leave this way. $=$
$=$ Just one thing I know, together we grow. $=$
$=$ When stones fall on you, and people call on you. $=$
$=$ To say, “Get the hell back of it“. $=$
$=$ Be calm and say. $=$
$=$ Together we grow. $=$
By: Zain-ul-Abeain.
GMI Messages And Stories.
If you do so you are insulting your self.
Write your sad times in sand and write your good times on rocks.
Don’t make promises when u are in joy and don’t take any decision when u are sad.
You r not responsible 4 what people think about you?
But u are responsible for what u make them to think about you.
Never design your character like garden where any one can walk.
Design your character like sky where I can desire to reach.
By: Mirza Adeel Abbas .
GMI Messages And Stories.
We have to raise our standard to achieve it.
For every bird Allah provides food, but not in the nest.
By: Mirza Adeel Abbas .
GMI Messages And Stories.
Why do I still want you?
Why am I still waiting for massage from you?
Why am I still missing you?
Why am I still dreaming of you?
Why am I still hearing and thinking about you?
Yes I m totally MAD for you GMI.
By: Mirza Adeel Abbas .
GMI Messages And Stories.
By: Adeel Abbas Mughal
GMI Messages And Stories.
To show him how poor can people B on return,
Father asked, “ What did u learn “
Son replied,
“ We have no cattle’s but they have 4.
“ We have a swimming pool which is quite big but they have a lake & its end can’t be found ”.
“ Our garden has imported lamps but they have a sky which is full of stars ”.
“ Our courtyard ends after yards but they have the whole world ahead to play “.
Thanks daddy for showing me how poor we r…
By: Farhan Ali.
GMI Messages And Stories.
Don’t worry about the delay in your success compared to others,
Construction of pyramid takes more time than an ordinary building.
How to Become Rich and Retire Young by Robert Kiyosaki
“Why don’t we write a plan on how we can all become financially free?” he urged.
I had talked about it and dreamt about it. But the idea of being financially free was always in the future, not today.
“Let’s write it down,” Larry said. “Once we write it down, we have to do it, and we’ll support each other on the journey.”
Kim and I looked at each other doubtfully. “It’s a good idea but I think I would rather just focus on surviving for the next year.”
“Come on,” said Larry. “Let’s go for freedom. I don’t want to spend my life working just to pay bills. I want to live. I want to be rich. I want to travel the world while I’m young enough to enjoy it.”
I recalled the words of my rich dad: “The biggest challenge you have is your own self-doubt and your laziness. It is your self-doubt and your laziness that define and limit who you are. It is your self-doubt and laziness that deny you the life you want.”
It was time to choose. “OK, let’s set the goal to be financially free.” That was New Year’s Day 1985. In 1994 Kim and I were free. Larry went on to build his company, which became one of Inc. Magazine’s fastest growing companies of the year in 1996. Larry retired in 1998 at the age of 46 after selling his company.
How did we do it?
It’s not about how we did it. It’s about why we did it. From 1985 to 1994, Kim, Larry, and I focused on rich dad’s three paths to great wealth:
Increasing business skills
Increasing money management skills
Increasing investment skills
The why is because I wanted to challenge my own self-doubts, my laziness and my past. It was the why that gave us the power to do the how.
My arguments against Larry’s idea were things like: “But we don’t have any money”; “I can’t do that”; “I’ll think about it next year, or once Kim and I get settled”.
Rich dad had told me: “Whenever someone says something like ‘I can’t afford it’, or ‘I can’t do it’ to something they want, they have a big problem. Why in the world would someone say ‘I can’t afford it’ or ‘I can’t do it’ to something they want? Why would someone deny themselves the things they want? It makes no logical sense.”
My own whys
I was fed up with being broke and always struggling for money.
I was tired of being average.
My parents had struggled under a mountain of bills.
Most painful of all, my beautiful wife Kim was in this financial mess because she loved me.
Things got worse for us before they got better. Kim and I lived in a car for about three weeks after our money ran out. So things did not get better just because we made the decision to retire rich, but it was the reasons why that kept us going.
Rich dad used to say: “If you want something, be passionate. Passion gives energy to your life.” Passion is a combination of love and hate. “If you want something you do not have, find out why you love what you want and why you hate not having what you want. When you combine those two thoughts, you will find the energy to go get anything you want.”
For example, I would create the following list:
Being rich
Being free
Buying anything I want
Expensive things
Having other people do what I don’t want to do
Being poor
Being required to work
Not having what I want
Cheap things
Doing things I don’t want to do
So sit quietly to find and define your loves and hates. Then write down your whys. Write down your dreams, goals and plans on becoming financially free, retiring early and retiring as young as possible. Once it is in writing, you may want to show it to a friend who will support you in achieving your dreams. Take a look at this paper with your dreams, goals and plans on a regular basis. Talk about it often, ask for support, be willing to continually learn, and before you know it, things will begin to happen.
I have heard many people say: “Money doesn’t buy happiness.” That statement has some truth to it. But what money does do is buy me the time to do what I love and pay other people to do what I hate doing.
Thinking Success by Tom Hopkins
You see, your thoughts are reflected in your attitude. If you think about failure, rejection and pain, your attitude will be negative. You'll even have a tough time getting out of bed in the morning. How many prospects do you think will want to get involved with your product if you cannot express a positive attitude about what you do to earn your living? I guarantee you it won't be many.
In fact, if you think about those negatives frequently enough, that's probably what you'll become comfortable with. Then, it won't bother you to fail. You'll be thinking, "Yep, that's just what I expected to happen." And, as crazy as it may sound, acceptance of failure will become an accepted fact in your subconscious. At this point, I would suggest making a career adjustment because you won't be selling enough to keep food on your table.
To counteract acceptance of negativity, you must begin by consciously stopping those thoughts. Whenever you realize you're thinking negatively, worrying or feeling anxiety about facing rejection, think to yourself, "Hey, that's not what's going to happen." Then, force yourself to turn those thoughts around. Come up with a positive thought for each negative thought. You'll have to concentrate on this for a while, but eventually, those negative thoughts will have to face too tough a battle to stay in your mind and they'll go away.
At that point, you will be free to become one of the high achievers in your field. The training and support offered by your organization will become more valuable to you. You'll think more about giving service than receiving income. And, as I've stated many times before, the income you earn is little more than a scoreboard reflection of the service you give.
If you have any doubts about that statement, take notice of the top producers in your industry. They think achievement, service and professionalism. You can see it in their eyes. You can feel it when you meet them. They are comfortable only with achievement, recognition and acceptance. They are so uncomfortable with failure, that it, too, has become a motivator for them.
Once you have achieved a state of thinking positively you will believe more strongly in what you are doing, take the steps necessary to practice, drill and rehearse, and receive the tremendous rewards for doing so.
Salespeople are often confronted with spontaneous situations. And, selling is a very emotional business. So, when faced with the unexpected, the untrained, unpracticed ones throw all their training out the window and act on reflex. If your reflexes aren't aimed at serving clients and closing sales, you're sunk. The great ones practice thinking success so much that their attitude and knowledge carry them through situations that may not have been covered in training. Thinking success will help you, too, continue to radiate warmth, pride and knowledge during those spontaneous moments.
Get Triple Play Savings on 3 powerful audio programs on Sales Success, Small Business Success and Verbal Success--with experts including Tom Hopkins! For complete details, go to
The Four Steps to a Super Attitude by Brian Tracy
It is not what happens to you that counts. It is how you react to what happens to you, especially when you have unexpected problems of any kind.
Here are four things you can do to assure that your attitude is the very best it can be, under all circumstances.
Focus on the Future
First, whatever challenges you face, focus on the future rather than on the past. Instead of worrying about who did what and who is to blame, focus on where you want to be and what you want to do. Get a clear mental image of your ideal successful future, and then take whatever action you can to begin moving in that direction. Get your mind, your thoughts, and your mental images on the future.
Think About the Future
Second, whenever you´re faced with a difficulty, focus on the solution rather than on the problem. Think and talk about the ideal solution to the obstacle or setback, rather than wasting time rehashing and reflecting on the problem.
Solutions are inherently positive, whereas problems are inherently negative. The instant that you begin thinking in terms of solutions, you become a positive and constructive human being.
Look for the Good
Third, assume that something good is hidden within each difficulty or challenge. Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, a major proponent of positive thinking, once said, “Whenever God wants to give us a gift, he wraps it up in a problem.’ The bigger the gift you have coming, the bigger the problem you will receive. But the wonderful thing is that if you look for the gift, you will always find it.
Seek the Valuable Lesson
Fourth, assume that whatever situation you are facing at the moment is exactly the right situation you need to ultimately be successful. This situation has been sent to you to help you learn something, to help you become better, to help you expand and grow.
Decide to Be Positive
A Positive Mental Attitude is indispensable to your success. You can be as positive as you want to be if you will simply think about the future, focus on the solution and look for the good. If you do what other successful people do, if you use your mind to exert mental control over the situation, you will be positive and cheerful most of the time. And you will reap the benefits enjoyed by all successful people.
Action Exercises
Here are three steps you can take immediately to put these ideas into action:
First, become solution-oriented with every difficulty you face. Make a habit of looking for the answers to your questions, the solutions to your problems.
Second, seek for the valuable lesson in every adversity. Make a list of every idea or insight you can gain from every setback or difficulty.
Third, think on paper. Take some time to write out every detail of the problem, and then take the most logical next step to solve it.
Four Essentials for Happiness by Brian Tracy
The first category is your desire for happy relationships. You want to love and be loved by others. You want to have a happy, harmonious home life. You want to get along well with the people around you, and you want to earn the respect of the people you respect. Your involvement in social and community affairs results from your desire to have happy interactions with others and to make a contribution to the society you live in.
The second category is your desire for interesting and challenging work. You want to make a good living, of course, but more than that, you want to really enjoy your occupation or profession. The very best times of your life are when you are completely absorbed in your work.
The third category is your desire for financial independence. You want to be free from worries about money. You want to have enough money in the bank so that you can make decisions without counting your pennies. You want to achieve a certain financial state so that you can retire in comfort and never have to be concerned about whether or not you have enough money to support your lifestyle. Financial independence frees you from poverty and a need to depend upon others for your livelihood. If you save and invest regularly throughout your working life, you will eventually reach the point where you will never have to work again.
The fourth and final category is your desire for good health, to be free of pain and illness and to have a continuous flow of energy and feelings of well-being. In fact, your health is so central to your life that you take it for granted until something happens to disrupt it.
Peace of mind is essential for every one of these. The greater your peace of mind, the more relaxed and positive you are, the less stress you suffer, the better is your overall health.
The more peace of mind you have, the better are your relationships, the more optimistic, friendly and confident you are with everyone in your life. When you feel good about yourself on the inside, you do your work better and take more pride in it. You are a better boss and coworker. And the greater your overall peace of mind, the more likely you are to earn a good living, save regularly for the future and ultimately achieve financial independence.
Life is very much a study of attention. Whatever you dwell upon and think about grows and expands in your life. The more you pay attention to your relationships, the quality and quantity of your work, your finances and your health, the better they will become and the happier you will be.
Action Exercises
Here are three things you can do immediately to put these ideas into action.
First, take time on a regular basis to think about what would make you really happy in each of the four areas.
Second, set specific, measurable goals for improvement in your relationships, your health, your work and your finances and write them down.
Third, resolve to do something every day to increase the quality of some area of your life - and then keep your resolution.
For more about Brian Tracy and his programs, please go to
You Deserve to Be Happy by Brian Tracy
Everyone is Different
Happiness in life is like a smorgasbord. If 100 people went to a smorgasbord and each put food on their plate in the quantity and mix that each felt would be most pleasing to him, every plate would be different. Even a husband and wife would go up to the smorgasbord and come back with plates that looked completely different. Happiness is the same way. Each person requires a particular combination of those ingredients to feel the very best about himself or herself.
Listen to Your Heart
And your mix is changing continually. If you went to the same smorgasbord every day for a year, you probably would come back with a different plateful of food each time. Each day-sometimes each hour-only you can tell what it takes to make you happy. Therefore, the only way to judge whether a job, a relationship, an investment, or any decision, is right for you is to get in touch with your feelings and listen to your heart.
Be True to Yourself
You´re true to yourself only when you follow your inner light, when you listen to what Ralph Waldo Emerson called the “still, small voice within.’ You´re being the very best person you can be only when you have the courage and the fortitude to allow your definition of happiness, whatever it may be, to be the guiding light of every part of your life.
There Are No Limits
A very important point on the subject of happiness is whether or not you feel that you “deserve’ to be happy. Accept the notion that you deserve all the happiness you can honestly attain through the application of your talents and abilities. The more you like and respect yourself, the more deserving you will feel of the good things in life. And the more deserving you feel, the more likely you will attain and hold on to the happiness you are working toward.
Make Happiness Your Key Measure
You should make happiness the organizing principle of your life. Compare every possible action and decision you make against your standard of happiness to see whether that action would make you happier or unhappier. Soon, you will discover that almost all of the problems in your life come from choices that you have made - or are currently making - that do not contribute to your happiness.
Pay the Price
Of course, there are countless times when you will have to do little things that don´t make you happy along the way toward those larger things that make you very happy indeed. We call this paying the price of success in advance. You must pay your dues.
Sometimes these interim steps don´t make you happy directly, but the happiness you achieve from attaining your goal will be so great that it totally overwhelms the temporary inconveniences and dissatisfactions you have to endure in order to get there.
Action Exercises
Here are three steps you can take immediately to put these ideas into action.
First, accept that you deserve all the joy and happiness you can possibly achieve through your own efforts.
Second, make your own happiness the chief organizing principle of your life and judge everything against that standard.
Third, be willing to work hard and pay the price for the satisfaction and rewards you desire. Always go the extra mile and your success will be assured.
For more details on Brian Tracy and his products, please go to
The Formula for Failure and Success by Jim Rohn
Now why would someone make an error in judgment and then be so foolish as to repeat it every day? The answer is because he or she does not think that it matters.
On their own, our daily acts do not seem that important. A minor oversight, a poor decision, or a wasted hour generally doesn't result in an instant and measurable impact. More often than not, we escape from any immediate consequences of our deeds.
If we have not bothered to read a single book in the past ninety days, this lack of discipline does not seem to have any immediate impact on our lives. And since nothing drastic happened to us after the first ninety days, we repeat this error in judgment for another ninety days, and on and on it goes. Why? Because it doesn't seem to matter. And herein lies the great danger. Far worse than not reading the books is not even realizing that it matters!
Those who eat too many of the wrong foods are contributing to a future health problem, but the joy of the moment overshadows the consequence of the future. It does not seem to matter. Those who smoke too much or drink too much go on making these poor choices year after year after year... because it doesn't seem to matter. But the pain and regret of these errors in judgment have only been delayed for a future time. Consequences are seldom instant; instead, they accumulate until the inevitable day of reckoning finally arrives and the price must be paid for our poor choices - choices that didn't seem to matter.
Failure's most dangerous attribute is its subtlety. In the short term those little errors don't seem to make any difference. We do not seem to be failing. In fact, sometimes these accumulated errors in judgment occur throughout a period of great joy and prosperity in our lives. Since nothing terrible happens to us, since there are no instant consequences to capture our attention, we simply drift from one day to the next, repeating the errors, thinking the wrong thoughts, listening to the wrong voices and making the wrong choices. The sky did not fall in on us yesterday; therefore the act was probably harmless. Since it seemed to have no measurable consequence, it is probably safe to repeat.
But we must become better educated than that!
If at the end of the day when we made our first error in judgment the sky had fallen in on us, we undoubtedly would have taken immediate steps to ensure that the act would never be repeated again. Like the child who places his hand on a hot burner despite his parents' warnings, we would have had an instantaneous experience accompanying our error in judgment.
Unfortunately, failure does not shout out its warnings as our parents once did. This is why it is imperative to refine our philosophy in order to be able to make better choices. With a powerful, personal philosophy guiding our every step, we become more aware of our errors in judgment and more aware that each error really does matter.
Now here is the great news. Just like the formula for failure, the formula for success is easy to follow: It's a few simple disciplines practiced every day.
Now here is an interesting question worth pondering: How can we change the errors in the formula for failure into the disciplines required in the formula for success? The answer is by making the future an important part of our current philosophy.
Both success and failure involve future consequences, namely the inevitable rewards or unavoidable regrets resulting from past activities. If this is true, why don't more people take time to ponder the future? The answer is simple: They are so caught up in the current moment that it doesn't seem to matter. The problems and the rewards of today are so absorbing to some human beings that they never pause long enough to think about tomorrow.
But what if we did develop a new discipline to take just a few minutes every day to look a little further down the road? We would then be able to foresee the impending consequences of our current conduct. Armed with that valuable information, we would be able to take the necessary action to change our errors into new success-oriented disciplines. In other words, by disciplining ourselves to see the future in advance, we would be able to change our thinking, amend our errors and develop new habits to replace the old.
One of the exciting things about the formula for success - a few simple disciplines practiced every day - is that the results are almost immediate. As we voluntarily change daily errors into daily disciplines, we experience positive results in a very short period of time. When we change our diet, our health improves noticeably in just a few weeks. When we start exercising, we feel a new vitality almost immediately. When we begin reading, we experience a growing awareness and a new level of self-confidence. Whatever new discipline we begin to practice daily will produce exciting results that will drive us to become even better at developing new disciplines.
The real magic of new disciplines is that they will cause us to amend our thinking. If we were to start today to read the books, keep a journal, attend the classes, listen more and observe more, then today would be the first day of a new life leading to a better future. If we were to start today to try harder, and in every way make a conscious and consistent effort to change subtle and deadly errors into constructive and rewarding disciplines, we would never again settle for a life of existence – not once we have tasted the fruits of a life of substance!
To read previous articles and quotes from the Jim Rohn Weekly E-zine Archives, or to get a complete listing of Jim Rohn's books, audios, videos and seminar schedule, or to place an order; please go to:
Achieving Your Dreams by Jim Rohn
Everything just seems to work out for them. And here sits the much larger group, wondering how life can be so unfair, so complicated and unjust. What's the major difference between the little group with so much and the larger group with so little?
Despite all of the factors that affect our lives - like the kind of parents we have, the schools we attended, the part of the country we grew up in - none has as much potential power for affecting our futures as our ability to dream.
Dreams are a projection of the kind of life you want to lead. Dreams can drive you. Dreams can make you skip over obstacles. When you allow your dreams to pull you, they unleash a creative force that can overpower any obstacle in your path. To unleash this power, though, your dreams must be well defined. A fuzzy future has little pulling power. Well-defined dreams are not fuzzy. Wishes are fuzzy. To really achieve your dreams, to really have your future plans pull you forward, your dreams must be vivid.
If you've ever hiked a fourteen thousand-foot peak in the Rocky Mountains, one thought has surely come to mind "How did the settlers of this country do it?" How did they get from the East Coast to the West Coast? Carrying one day's supply of food and water is hard enough. Can you imagine hauling all of your worldly goods with you... mile after mile, day after day, month after month? These people had big dreams. They had ambition. They didn't focus on the hardship of getting up the mountain.
In their minds, they were already on the other side – their bodies just hadn't gotten them there yet! Despite all of their pains and struggles, all of the births and deaths along the way, those who made it to the other side had a single vision: to reach the land of continuous sunshine and extraordinary wealth. To start over where anything and everything was possible. Their dreams were stronger than the obstacles in their way.
You've got to be a dreamer. You've got to envision the future. You've got to see California while you're climbing fourteen thousand-foot peaks. You've got to see the finish line while you're running the race. You've got to hear the cheers when you're in the middle of a monster project. And you've got to be willing to put yourself through the paces of doing the uncomfortable until it becomes comfortable. Because that's how you realize your dreams.
Attitude is Everything by Jim Rohn
Each of us has the ability to put our unique human potential into action and to acquire a desired result. But the one thing that determines the level of our potential, that produces the intensity of our activity, and predicts the quality of the result we receive is our attitude.
Attitude determines how much of the future we are allowed to see. It decides the size of our dreams and influences our determination when we are faced with new challenges. No other person on earth has dominion over our attitude. People can affect our attitude by teaching us poor thinking habits or unintentionally misinforming us or providing us with negative sources of influence, but no one can control our attitude unless we voluntarily surrender that control.
No one else "makes us angry." We make ourselves angry when we surrender control of our attitude. What someone else may have done is irrelevant. We choose, not they. They merely put our attitude to a test. If we select a volatile attitude by becoming hostile, angry, jealous or suspicious, then we have failed the test. If we condemn ourselves by believing that we are unworthy, then again, we have failed the test.
If we care at all about ourselves, then we must accept full responsibility for our own feelings. We must learn to guard against those feelings that have the capacity to lead our attitude down the wrong path and to strengthen those feelings that can lead us confidently into a better future.
If we want to receive the rewards the future holds in trust for us, then we must exercise the most important choice given to us as members of the human race by maintaining total dominion over our attitude. Our attitude is an asset, a treasure of great value, which must be protected accordingly. Beware of the vandals and thieves among us who would injure our positive attitude or seek to steal it away.
Having the right attitude is one of the basics that success requires. The combination of a sound personal philosophy and a positive attitude about ourselves and the world around us gives us an inner strength and a firm resolve that influences all the other areas of our existence.
To find out more about Jim Rohn and his services/programs, please visit
Labels: Jim Rohn
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Easy money. Or is it
Easy money. Or is it?
Quick money-making schemes are fast gaining popularity among the youth
By Rafay Mahmood
Posting By Adeel Abbas Mughal
"Welcome to Gold Mine International. GMI helps you build a profitable, home-based business. Currently, there's a vast amount of interest in work-at-home programmes, so now is the time to get in and start building your business. In GMI, the work you do now will provide residual income for you and your family for years to come. Once you've chosen a business plan, you'll need to promote it. Please feel free to use the resources on this site and good luck with your business. If you're looking for an honest online business opportunity, GMI is the best choice."
The above is the mission statement of GMI, a Norway-based gold company that has garnered a lot of attention from Pakistani youth, particularly Karachi. These young people market the company's products for which they are paid. "I think this is a blessing and I might take it up as a business in the near future as it is safe and profitable," M. Osama Mahmood, one of the regular investors of GMI and a B.Com student told Kolachi. Osama, along with countless other people, are working for GMI and are attracting more and more people to invest in it.
Explaining how he came to know about GMI, Osama said that since "the company is based on network marketing, the owners of GMI don't market their product officially so people learn about it through word of mouth. I used to work at a call centre as a CSR when a friend told me about GMI. At the time, I thought it was a scam." A year later, however, Osama's friends from his neighbourhood gave him a GMI presentation, explaining how the scheme works. "And this is how I was convinced that an investment of $60 is not a useless investment at all," he adds.
Osama explains that all the members are required to do is pay half the price of a gold product that costs $60 (Rs4,800). "Once you have done that, you're part of the GMI network. You then have to grow your tree by getting six more people to invest," he explains. In essence, one is required to get one investor under one's tree and then that investor is required to get one and so on and so forth. "You get $30 (Rs2,400) in your account after a completing a set of six members under your tree. It is never-ending…the more the members, the more the money."
GMI is fast becoming a trend among university and college-going students who want to make some extra money without being a burden on their parents. "My parents give me transport fare, lunch money as well as money for cell phone credit, but you still need money for recreation," says Faizan Rehman, a student of Sir Syed University, who is another active member of this 'money-making scheme'. Students like Faizan argue that it is hard to ask parents for money all the time, especially after the huge amount of money they dole out as tuition fees apart from bearing their daily expenses. "Thus, an investment in GMI proves very helpful in such cases as you can spend your own money," justifies the 23-year-old.
In fact, many students have also taken up GMI as a means of supporting their families. However, this greatly narrows down their career choices as they don't think about the quality of work they are doing. Instead, they are solely focused on the fact that they are making good money. "Several friends have taken up GMI as a business and are making a lot of money as well. However, not everyone can run after investors and give presentations because it requires a lot of time and energy. It becomes very hard to concentrate on your studies if you're into GMI full-time," adds Faizan.
Others, however, disagree. Consider, for example, Anib Abbas who recently passed his Intermediate exams with an A-grade and is earning $120 (Rs9,600) a week. "For me GMI is quite useful and I have managed to balance my studies alongside. I think more people should become a part of this company as it earns you easy money."
But what about parents? Do they know that their kids are chasing investors in order to make extra money? Osama believes most parents are aware as the $60 for an initial investment is provided by the parents – just as his did. Osama's parents, who wished to remain anonymous, confirm the fact that they were ware of this investment. "When children are mature enough to take such decisions you should not discourage them. You should give them a chance," they say adding that 'so far nothing bad has come out of it.'
But as addictive as these money-making schemes are [that work on the pyramid principle], there are a lot of ambiguities, argue critics. You are asked for an initial investment (in this case $60) and are promised a high return of investment within a few days or weeks or depending on your first assignment. While the explanation seems plausible, the GMI is a little sketchy on details. Members only discuss ways to spend the 'extra money' you will earn rather than informing new members of the fact that if you fail to invite six more members to be part of the network, then the money is wasted.
Moreover, there are no details of the main officials of GMI in Pakistan or a record of the transactions that take place within the country. This must include the name of the bank where GMI has an account. Also, since GMI is unregistered, a company under a similar name of 'Gold Mine International (Pvt) Ltd', based in Karachi and registered with the Security and Exchange Commission of Pakistan, creates further confusion. Observer’s say while there is chance of financial profit in such schemes, there is an equal probability of loss as well which one should not ignore.